Our Product Range

Vehicle Detection

k2 250

The K2 Pico FlexAR Radar Family are the worlds lowest powered and highest performance radars. The K2 Pico radars offer a low cost solution or Vehicle Speed detection, low speed freight movement applications, high speed detection in motor sport applications, conveyor monitoring for factory automation as well as street lighting and security application. The K2 Pico Flex radars are the worlds only user programability devices. The script language control gives access to all radar features and access to all K2 IO and communications devices making them the worlds most flexible devices and extend applications to almost any area requiring speed  or motion sensing.

Input/Ouput Modules


The K2 FlexAR IO range offer LED drivers for 7 segment display, High current LED driver for large static sign display and a module with OPTO isolated MOSFET for AC/DC switching applications. The devices offer complete system flexibility and with our plug and play architecture allows integration at any stage of product development from prototype to in-field upgrades.

Communication Modules

Modem B 250